Snow White was underwater...she was drowning...she could not breathe and she was hot, very hot. She could hear voices, but they were very far away.
She was back home in
were bars on the window. Was she being imprisoned? And where was her father, the King? But wait, he was very ill....he had gone away and left her. Snow White was now flying through the air outside the castle which was blurry and somehow frightening...
"Will she begin to recover
now? Her fever has broken."
"Yes, soon the plague will leave her, but she will be very weak for days. You must try to get her to eat and drink."
"Yes, your Grace, we will nurture her back to health.
Thank you, thank you!"

"The Queen of the Fairies cured you with her magic," said Anselm.
"The last thing I remember is falling asleep riding through the dark forest with our friend, the Huntsman. Where is he?"
"Our friend, the Huntsman, was very ill until the Fairy Queen saved him. While he was sick, word came that his wife had also contracted the plague. Although he was weak, he insisted on mounting his horse and riding home. We have heard nothing since, my child."
"He brought me here so my life could be saved. I...I shall miss him."