"I know Snow White is not dead!" said Annalisa, as she and her twin flew through the forest looking for their friend.
"But I am sure that the Queen tried to have her killed. She is a nasty piece of work who would do anything to be the fairest in the land! As if....." said Arabella.
"As if she could be. We are the fairest in the land; everyone knows that. Look, there's a girl by that tree. Maybe she's seen Snow White. She looks somehow familiar...."
The new Snow White
"Miss, we are fairy sisters who are searching for our friend, Snow White. She is beautiful with blue black hair. Have you by chance seen her? She usually wears a very ugly dress her stepmother gave her," explained Annalisa.
The girl smiled and said, "Ah, my friends, you don't recognize me, do you? I am Snow White! I dyed my hair with plants and made new clothes with leaves and things I found here in the woods. I was brought here by the Queen's huntsman who was told to kill me and bring her my heart."
The sisters turned toward one another in triumph. "I knew she was alive! I knew it!" cried the sisters in unison.
They flew close to their friend and gave her tiny fairy kisses that felt like a warm spring breeze.
"Do you live in this sweet little cottage?" said Arabella.
"And who lives in that small cottage over there?" said Annalisa, who was always quite inquisitive.
"When I was wandering in the woods and had eaten all the food the huntsman gave me, I grew quite desperate. I dared not return to the palace lest the Queen try again to kill me. And then I wandered here and fell asleep. When I awoke, there were seven small men staring at me! They invited me to dinner and were very kind. When I told them of my sad plight, they said I could stay here in their guesthouse. It is lovely and peaceful here and I can never return to the palace until the Queen is dead. I do miss my father very much."
The sisters saw tears in Snow White's eyes and sought to comfort her. They said sweet things and told her about their new baby brother, Arthur.
"He doesn't do very much at the moment," said Arabella, thoughtfully. "Mostly he eats and sleeps."
"Someone is coming; I think it's your friends," announced Annalisa. "There are many tiny men and one very large one."
"Yes, it is my little friends and the Huntsman! He saved my life," said Snow White, running toward them. "Is all well?"
"My Princess!" said the Huntsman in his deep, resonant voice. "I have brought news, your Grace. Everyone at the palace believes you are dead. Your father the King is heartbroken and the Queen is pretending to be. But she has not changed, your Grace. You must not return home until I come to the forest to tell you the Queen is dead."
"I will stay here with my friends; they are so kind. So you recognized me even though I have tried to change my looks."
"I will always recognize you, Princess. Your hair is different, but your heart is unchanged. I must go. My wife has not been well for a long time so I cannot stay. Her mother is with her now and our son, but I need to be there, your Grace."
"Of course you do. You must go at once, Huntsman." Snow White hesitated and then said in a low voice, "I thank you again for saving my life. I shall never forget you."
The Huntsman looked at Snow White with an expression she could not read. Then he turned away and mounted his horse. The seven small men pressed him to take water and provisions for his journey home. Soon he disappeared into the trees.
The little men began to chatter among themselves about cooking dinner. Would the lovely fairy twins care to join them? They would love to but must get home lest their parents worry about them. They said Farewell to Snow White but she seemed not to hear them as she was intent on gazing into the darkening forest.
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