Snow White was shocked when she saw the palace, her childhood home, for it was unrecognizable.
"What is happening to the castle?" cried Snow White. Tears came to her eyes. "The forest is invading my home and soon the building will be in ruins. Why has my father done nothing to stop this devastation? Has the Queen caused this?"
"No one knows, My Lady. At first there were only small changes which began when you left. Then your father began to travel to other lands and no repairs were made. Your stepmother, the Queen, was enraged by your father's neglect. Day by day her beauty faded; her mirror no longer gave her the answer she craved. She was cruel to the servants and they began to leave the palace. Vines came inside the windows and crept under the doors. Plants began to grow in the piles of dust in all the rooms. The Queen was frightened but seemed powerless to stop the invading leaves. I dared not tell you what was happening; I hoped you would never see these crumbling walls. When the King returned home, he was already ill and when he saw what had happened, he took to his bed. Only his most faithful servants remain and some have died from this plague. He does not have long to live; come with me to his room."

Together they ran through the decaying castle, climbing vine-covered stairs, until at last they came to the King's room. Pale and gaunt, her father lay in his bed, struggling to breathe. A look of confusion passed over his face. Was this his beloved daughter he had thought was dead? He tried to speak. "Snow White?"
She smiled and knelt by his bed and stroked his face. "Yes, Father, it is I. I made the Huntsman bring me to you when I heard you were ill."
"I am dying, my love. We are all dying here; the plague will take us. You must not get sick....."
"I will not leave you, Father. I have missed you so much! Here...let me put another pillow under your head. I shall tell you all that has happened."
The huntsman brought a chair for Snow White and placed it by the king's bed. She talked to her father softly for a long time as the moon rose and the stars came out. And at last her eyes closed and she fell asleep, her hand firmly holding his.
When the sun rose, the Huntsman awakened and saw the King lying on his bed with his eyes closed. He knelt beside Snow White and gently touched her arm until she woke and smiled at him.
"Look Geoffrey, how peacefully my father is sleeping. He is smiling."
"He is not asleep, my Lady." Then Snow White looked again at the King and realized his hand in hers was no longer warm and she wept.
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