Friday, January 8, 2016


Sarasota is beautiful, but I didn't notice.  My life had quickly fallen apart and I had no idea what to do next.  My parents split up; my best friends got married.

I didn't return to Wesleyan for my senior year.  I had no car; I had no job; I had no plans.  My father and I lived in a dump and my high school friends had scattered.  I went from being busy every moment of the day doing activities I loved to doing nothing.  With no enthusiasm whatsoever, I looked for a job and found one as a secretary to an attorney who had no clients, which was a good thing as I was a pitifully slow typist and had forgotten my shorthand.

 My boss was gone most of the time doing God knows what and I was alone in my windowless office hoping the phone would ring and it seldom did. I was seriously depressed but didn't recognize the signs.

I auditioned for a play at the Players and was given a small part.  I made some new friends.  There were several charming young men hanging around and I liked them very much, but they were not exactly boyfriend material.  My days and nights were filled with mild boredom, but I didn't really notice.  I was sleepwalking through my life and was going nowhere so very, very fast.


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