It was time for lunch and Annalisa and Arabella were nowhere to be seen which vexed their mother, the Queen.
"I told those girls to be home for lunch without fail, but are they here? No. And I made ambrosia--their favorite. Should I delay our meal, my dear?
The King wasn't really listening as he was reading the latest edition of Faerie
Magazine and looking for anything referring to his august self, but there was nothing. There never was. Now he too was vexed. "What's that, my love?"
Mother sighed. "I said, dear husband, that the girls weren't here and asked you whether we should delay luncheon."
"Oh, surely not, my sweet," said Father, who was always fond of ambrosia and raspberry cordial which sat on the table looking glossy and delicious. "If they are late for lunch, they must do without, that's what I say. Do you mind if I keep reading, my dear?"
At least you're not sleeping, muttered Mother as she began to serve.
"Good heavens!" exclaimed the King. "There is something about our girls in Faerie Magazine. It says they have been gallivanting around the countryside rescuing people! Some girl with very long hair who was being kept a prisoner by that infernal cousin of yours--Repellante. They even went to Lapland to rescue some boy named Kay. HE was being kept prisoner by another wretched relative of yours--the Snow Queen. Did you know about all this?"
The Queen of the Forest hardly knew what to say. "Well, I
didn't know about any of it until afterwards. The girls apparently sneaked out of the house at night while we were sleeping and...well...they consulted my Book of Spells and...."
"Your Book of Spells? Lapland, really? And who names a boy Kay? They may be in danger as we speak!"

girls talking about a House of Candy
in the woods. Oh, no! Evilyn!
"I think they may have gone to rescue
some children being held in the woods
by my Aunt Evilyn! In her house made of candy!"
Father stood up and said firmly, "I shall go at once. Stay here!"
The Queen followed him outside to bid
him Farewell, but he was already gone.
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